Sunday 14 April 2013

Thee Kwai-Core attitude

Let’s speak attitude, let’s unpack both the attitudes of the musicians and the listeners of Kwai-Core music. The musicians would need a very open-minded attitude but that is very bold, stable and loud but most importantly they must have a very strong attitude. 
They need a strong attitude so that when they perform on stage some people may “boo” them saying that the song sucks or the words are "wacky", however their strong attitude will be able to combat all of that because when you are a musician you must expect all kinds of comments about your music, and whatever comments those are you must be able to not take any offence look beyond that and perform anyways because just some us appreciate all genres of music.

The attitude of the musicians needs to be cheeky, and over confident at times with a little ego to top it off because nobody needs a singer that will hide behind the mike after every swear word they sing or after a very “touchy” sentence that the listeners may find offensive.
The attitude needs to be sincere though so that we as the listeners do not think that you are JUST singing for the sake of it, but see that there is some though and emotion behind your words, the musicians lead the listeners into their music an have a major control on how we let in your music accept it.

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