Monday 22 April 2013

My Expression...

The beats that speak to my soul that brings joy to my heart, the vocal that express what I can feel but yet cannot grasp enough words to explain, yet this unknown artist, that can not know what I’m going through, what I’ve been through better yet expresses it more then I can, the person experiencing this pain.

This song speaks to me in an unknown language that between us, it revives me gives me courage, it shelters me holds me and gives me…it is not only I that goes’ through this pain, this pain is cold and wants you to give up on what is out there for you make sure you stop it, before it stops you.

There are many of us out there; you just do not know it! We are to listen, to share, to express, to experience we are here to make you smile, escape your world of fear enter our world where you do not have to speak because we speak for you in behalf of you.

Ears open, the world of beats awaits you, the world of spiritual upliftment and happiness revivment, where all words are of existent because what better way to express the feelings that are unknown but by words that are created by you because of the feeling you feel.

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