Sunday 14 April 2013

Kwai-core personality

The overall personality of Kwai-core is anger, but anger due to the issues that surround our society, this anger would be out of concern for the people in our society, and the children in our society who will live to experience the issues that surround us.

The songs will express this anger through the words of the song, Kwai-core will be controversial and be based on many issues whether seen by society as big or small, small issues would be issues such has homosexuality, emotional abuse, verbal abuse etc. These things can be seen as small or miner but may have an affect on people in the society, The anger then is not thrown at anyone but just put out there for the “abusers” in society to acknowledge that these issues affect people hopefully making a difference and providing a sort of “comfort zone" for the people going through similar issues.

Also promoting world peace, through the enjoyment of a new genre of music , some songs would be light hearted, sing-alongs that are easy to remember with a little dance with it, imagine that at a live concert, it’s possible grey patch heads but it all starts with one person with an idea.

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