Sunday 14 April 2013

The personality of Kwaito

 Let talk about the personality of kwai-core music but in order to understand and grasp the personality of this genre we first need to understand the personality of kwaito and of hard core punk before unpacking Kwai-core which will compromise of both.
Let’s start with Kwaito
“The word Kwaito is derived from the Afrikaans word “kwaai”, which translates to "angry" in English. In colloquial slang, negative words or phrases often acquire a positive connotation or "cool" status. “ (
Kwaito music personality is said to be of aggression and anger, the beats as well are very loud and not soothing, so overall we may say that the personality of kwaito is anger, but anger because of what?  This then bring me to my next point which causes a link between the time that kwaito music was realized and the reason for it’s personality.

“Kwaito is about the township, knowing about the township, understanding the township, walking the walk, talking the talk and most importantly, being proud of these things. The township is being celebrated by the youth of South Africa in Kwaito music; this is interesting when one considers that the township was created to keep a ready supply of cheap labour under control by the apartheid government.” (

Now I think we can understand why this genre of music has a angry personality, because even though democracy was upon us some people were still angry and expressed their angry through music which was the result in Kwaito in the 1990s

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