Wednesday 10 April 2013

So I’ve been talking about Kwai-Core with my friends and of course they roll their eyes at me because it requires them to do the to Kwai-Core city with me, where your imagination can do as it pleases. Kwai-Core artist would be of mixed artist, we would call the artist “smarties”, concerts would be all over the world bringing different people together.

Big screens with the lyrics of the songs would be available for everyone to read and sing along says Thando, “I believe that the enjoyment of the song is through singing it, being able to emotionally connect with the song.” I agree actually, this will also create a connection between the “smarties” and “Grey patch heads my attentions”.

Onke was thinking a little outside the box, on stage she said we would require stage dancers to teach us the moves of the song, relating back to Kwaito, as mentioned earlier in my blog that Kwaito music use to always have some form of dance that went viral when the songs were released, also a very good marketing strategy if I may say so myself.

P.S Please do follow me Grey Patch Heads, so we can lead together.

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