Sunday 14 April 2013

Hardcore Personality

Now we talk about the personality of Hardcore punk music which I would say that is the same as the kwaito personality however let me not base my judgment on predictions but let me research.

“Hardcore punk (or referred to simply as hardcore) is a punk rock music genre that originated in the late 1970s. Hardcore is generally faster, heavier, and more abrasive than regular punk rock. The origin of the term "hardcore punk" is uncertain. (

In the vein of punk rock, most bands followed the traditional singer/guitar/bass/drum format. The songwriting had more emphasis on rhythm rather than melody. Hardcore vocalists screamed, chanted and used spoken word poetry. Drummers would play fast D beat one moment and then drop tempo into elaborate musical breakdowns the next. Guitarists were not afraid to play solos, octave leads, and grooves as well as tapping into the various feedback and harmonic noises available to them. The guitar sound was almost always distorted and amplified. (

So I think that we would agree that even though maybe the lyrics of hardcore punk are not of anger (perhaps) but overall performance and sing of this genre is loud to the certain extent that it is considered screaming, and we scream when expressing anger which leads me to the conclusion of that hardcore punk’s personality is also anger.

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