Wednesday 10 April 2013

Kwai-Core Fashion

Wola wola Grey be patch heads! Let’s talk some kwai-Core fashion, which would be ideal for the events and concerts for this music genre.

So strictly no bright colors that call upon bees and yes that includes color-blocking! Think about fashion in the olden days, your “Sofa Towns” colors and think about the colors that are worn at these underground hard core punk band performances. Clearly this would be your “Dull colors”; these are your black and whites, your greys and navy, brown, beige, pale mustard, dark brown, hazel and creamish colors.  The people would be required to express who they are through clothing of course, with out crossing the boundaries that are set by the Kwai-Core fashion police, however incorporating a splash of what this music genre is in clothing.

Every one would be obligated to wear flat shoes because when you hear the music you will JIVE and because well obviously flat shoes are more comfortable, preferably close shoes, no short shorts, dresses, skirts or whatever that is not knee high, nothing tight this is not the red carpet… at these concerts we dress old school, dance old school, strictly promoting old school with a touch of punk in it! Aaaaaai Aaaaaai Greys!! We Kwai-Core.

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