Wednesday 27 March 2013

Thee Kwai-Core

Now that I have introduced you to both the kwaito and hard core punk worlds, have you ever thought of the two merging into “ Kwai-core” if not, then now would be the right time for you to activate your imagination and lets venture off and explore this Kwai-core genre of music and lifestyle. First things first, kwai-core would be a genre that compromises of both of the genres that I introduced at the beginning of my blog, so imagine that a new “world” with new experiences, new expressions, voices to be heard, history and a culture to be freshly constructed.
Kwai-core could be considered the Grey patch, where the black and white come together. It is no doubt in our minds that we would obviously associate the white people with hard core punk and the black people with kwaito, No I’m not trying to pull the racism card or form a division line between the two (I’m just merely viewing things from my point of view and a very realistic point of view) but kwai-core is a combination of both! This music would be for the “Grey patch heads” to express their emotions of similar issues that we as individuals all deal with.

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