Friday 15 March 2013

Let's Talk Kwaito

"Shay'Shay'Shay'Shay Ikwasa-Dance..."

The year 1994 was not only the year for South Africans to cast their first vote but the same year Boom Shaka released their 1st album and this then resulted in South Africa being introduced to Kwaito music which was considered back then the "new pop music sound"

kwaito for most was an expression of what the new South Africa stood for, music made by and for the Black people. The musicians and performer's were black , and often the songs they released had a little dance to tag along with it, which made the songs so much more entertaining and long lasting in our heads.
Kwaito for me has a lot of memories, Chesa Wena!! My first dance moves originated during the release of these hits and i remember how my sister Nolitha and I use to sing-along to Boom shaka's songs and Shaya them "get downs" while singing. :)

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