Monday 18 March 2013

Let's talk Hard Core Punk!

What is Hardcore?

The Internet says this:

Fast, loud and furious – these are the elements of hardcore. From its inception in the late ‘70s, hardcore began to pick up the attitudes and messages employed by the first punk bands, setting them to driving guitar and drum lines that were more frenzied than those played by earlier bands that fell under the punk description. Faster and heavier than other contemporary punk bands, hardcore songs were often very short and very frenzied
So what do i know about punk music?!
Well from the basic research that i have conducted, hard core punk comes nothing close to the stereotypical assumptions that we as people think it is. Essentially i thought hard core punk is senseless loud music that makes individuals go insane but actually this genre of music is more or less based on its beats which can be composed with many different music gadgets. It was to my surprise that there are even Christian hard core punk bands and that their lyrics are not always about having parties "getting sloshed or wasted", passing out and going crazy in fact there are bands that promote living a healthy lifestyle but do this through hard core punk... So yes!! Not everything is what it may seem.

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