Wednesday 27 March 2013

Let's Kwaito House

Dj Brian

Thee Black Jacks

BLK JKS Artists - This Is Africa
Kwai-Core vibes (**.)
Thee- exis where everybody meets,  thee Kwai-core where Kwaito and Hard core punk is explored future.
Kwai-Core is about the "black and white" coming together and everybody in between the "black and white", its for the weirdos, the psycho, the crazy, the out of the box thinkers, the exclusives and obviously the Grey patch heads!!!

We live for life's Experiences

P.S Please do follow my blog, this will show me that we are heading the right way with the grey patch heads.

We explore Kwai-Core

So I know around about now you are questioning my reason of choice of these genres. What do they have in common? Why these two genres? What if people do not like this type of music? Why would you want to combine to different genres into one?

 I'd like to think that all genres have something in common, the that fact all lyrics to a song have a concept that they are based around or they are merely expressing ones experiences, either way there is a line linking different genres of music. All genres of music express something, I like to think of music as a personal way of explaining the emotions that we bundle up and even if we want to talk about our mouth but cannot grasp words and put them together to explain this internal feeling, and when we find and like a song that just maybe the artist was able to explain what we feeling without even knowing that someone is experiencing or going through the same thing. On the other side of the scale music is reviving, for filling and sometimes the music may not make any sense but it can sure make you dance, Let's not question the reasons of choice but let's Enjoy.

So yes, most definitely!! Kwaito and Hard core punk share something and with the two together there is something there full of potential. Both these two genres are considered loud, hard, bold and rely heavily on loud “hectic” beats and may be perceived as music that comes across as angry or frustrated, one will prejudge this music before even hearing the words to the song, Yes I expect that certain individuals will think that Kwai-Core is "whack" and they might not like it but I do guarantee that most people will actually try to listen to this “new” genre before “shutting it down”, and who knows some will fall madly in love. We live for the experiences in life,

P.s Please do follow my blog, this will show me that im headed somewhere with the grey patch heads

What to Expect At a Hard Core Punk Concert... The lighting plays a very important role, it is like the look and feel of the entire event.
"Lets Punk on Grey Heads"

Thee Kwai-Core

Now that I have introduced you to both the kwaito and hard core punk worlds, have you ever thought of the two merging into “ Kwai-core” if not, then now would be the right time for you to activate your imagination and lets venture off and explore this Kwai-core genre of music and lifestyle. First things first, kwai-core would be a genre that compromises of both of the genres that I introduced at the beginning of my blog, so imagine that a new “world” with new experiences, new expressions, voices to be heard, history and a culture to be freshly constructed.
Kwai-core could be considered the Grey patch, where the black and white come together. It is no doubt in our minds that we would obviously associate the white people with hard core punk and the black people with kwaito, No I’m not trying to pull the racism card or form a division line between the two (I’m just merely viewing things from my point of view and a very realistic point of view) but kwai-core is a combination of both! This music would be for the “Grey patch heads” to express their emotions of similar issues that we as individuals all deal with.

Monday 18 March 2013

Let's talk Hard Core Punk!

What is Hardcore?

The Internet says this:

Fast, loud and furious – these are the elements of hardcore. From its inception in the late ‘70s, hardcore began to pick up the attitudes and messages employed by the first punk bands, setting them to driving guitar and drum lines that were more frenzied than those played by earlier bands that fell under the punk description. Faster and heavier than other contemporary punk bands, hardcore songs were often very short and very frenzied
So what do i know about punk music?!
Well from the basic research that i have conducted, hard core punk comes nothing close to the stereotypical assumptions that we as people think it is. Essentially i thought hard core punk is senseless loud music that makes individuals go insane but actually this genre of music is more or less based on its beats which can be composed with many different music gadgets. It was to my surprise that there are even Christian hard core punk bands and that their lyrics are not always about having parties "getting sloshed or wasted", passing out and going crazy in fact there are bands that promote living a healthy lifestyle but do this through hard core punk... So yes!! Not everything is what it may seem.